Author Guidelines
- Submitted articles are the results of conceptual studies or the results of research that discuss the themes of Islamic theology, philosophy, Islamic thought, tafsir and hadis, Islamic preaching and Sufism, written either in Indonesian, English or Arabic.
- Papers must be typed with font “Times New Roman” 12 pt, and use one-half spaced on A4-paper size.
- Papers’ length is about 5,000-6,000 words
- All submission must include a 200-250 word abstract and some keywords in English and Indonesian
- Full name(s) of the author(s) must be stated without an academic degree, along with his/her/their institution, correspondence email and complete address
- All submissions should be in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format
- Arabic words should be transliterated according to the model of Joint Decree of the Minister of Religion and Minister of Education and Culture (1987)
- Bibliographical reference must be cited in the body of article and comply with APA 6th style guidelines
- Please use Mendeley or Zotero to manage the references
- The writing system must contain: (1) Introduction, (2) Result and Discussion, (3) Conclusions, and (4) References, and please see the template for other writing rules.
Example of Bibliography:
- Book: Taftazani, A. W. G. (1997). Tasawuf dari Zaman ke Zaman. Bandung: Pustaka
- Translation Book: Federspiel, H. M. (1996). Kajian Alquran di Indonesia dari Mahmud Yunus Hingga Quraish Shihab (T. Arifin. Terj/Trans). Bandung: Mizan.
- Journal
- Single Author: Noer, K. A. (1995). Tuhan Yang Diciptakan dan Tuhan Yang Sebenarnya. Jurnal Pemikiran Islam Paramadina, 1 (1), 90-123.
- Two Authors: Berkowitz, D. & Eko, L. (2007). Blasphemy As Sacred Rite/Right: “The Mohammed cartoons affair” and maintenance of journalistic ideology. Journalism Studies, 8 (5), 779-797
- Three Authors or more: Kunst, J. R., Tajamal, H., Sam D. L. & Ulleberg, P. (2012). Coping with Islamophobia: The effect of religious stigma on Muslim Minorities’ Indentity Formation. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 36 (4), 518-532.
- Article in proceedings: Zaduqisti, E. (2015). Pemahaman Konsep Jihad Mahasiswa STAIN Pekalongan. Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Islam Rahmatan Lil Alamin for World Peace and Welfare, Pascasarjana STAIN Pekalongan ISSN: 9789793968-79-7, h. 547-560.
- Tesis Magister, Program Pascasarjana Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta
- Patent: Kurdi Fadal. (2011). Living Hadits Lingkungan Hidup. Patent No. 0 002 569. IAIN Pekalongan.
- Newspaper: Muhtadin, A. (2014, 03 24). Pergulatan Gender dan Patriarkhi. Suara Merdeka. (Note: If the author’s name does not exist, then use the name of the company).
- Seminar and workshop paper: Warrasih, I. (2009). Metodologi Penulisan Artikel Jurnal Ilmiah. Presented 2009 01 10, Workshop Pelatihan Mutu Jurnal Ilmiah. Semarang: Fakultas Hukum UNDIP
- Article from website or electronic source: Harrianto, E. (2008, 09 21). Teknologi Informasi. Retrieved 05 10, 2011 from
- Interview: Syarif, M. (2017, 10 26). Majelis Taklim Aqaid Khamsin. (M. S. Fahmi, Interviewer) Pekalongan.